Over the last several years our family has done a lot, no doubt. It is not uncommon for clients to ask ‘Where are you these days,’ and rightfully so. We’ve gone from owning out dream property in Central Oregon, a place I never thought we would leave, to Hawaii, driving an RV around the United States for five months, Mexico for size weeks, Hawaii again, and now Nashville. Wow, looking at that last sentence kinda blows my mind. Although I wish I could tell you it has all been fun, at almost every turn we have been meet with struggle and pain as we continue to deal with Danielle’s health.
Our move to Hawaii happened out of necessity; not because we thought it would be a cool place to live, but because we knew Danielle felt the best she could feel while there. Knowing we could not return to the cold Fall, Winter, and Spring of Central Oregon, we ended up parting ways with our 10 acres in Bend, Oregon – one of the most popular vacation destinations and places to move in the west (call us crazy.)
We knew we would love Hawaii and our kids especially grew to love the ocean, paddling, and nearly everything the Islands had to offer.
Leaving was tough.
Realizing the barrier to entry in purchasing a home in Hawaii was out of our reach, we sought out a place where we could afford some investment property and perhaps one that would be a source of income. The search landed us in the Nashville area, one of the fastest growing areas in the country.
Having now left everything we’ve known, twice, we find ourselves thousands of miles from family starting completely over, hoping God really did and does have plans for us here. We have found ourselves on a great little street with fantastic neighbors in a house that, while not one we really enjoy, one that works for now. We are thankful it is a successful AirBNB to relieve some financial pressure.
We came in hopes that what winter there is here would be mild enough for Danielle, and unfortunately the climate has us scrambling to find a solution again. In fact things go so bad we flew Danielle and the two older kids back to Hawaii for some relief and time with her Dr. there.
It seems at every turn we find ourselves facing the same health issues.
It has come to a point where I feel like I am having to choose between going bankrupt in Hawaii so Danielle feels a little better or living in a place where her health is compromised so I can put food on the table.
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